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Pisanie, problem

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Procesy, stresy, esej

Chroniczny stres jest przebiegły. Czasami nie wiesz, że ma na ciebie wpływ, dopóki nie przeminie.

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How LLMs can help combat corruption in Ukraine?

To ensure a high level of accuracy, LLMs can be trained on specific datasets. It can then be used internally by Ukrainian administration for two-way communication with external partners, such as the European Union in the accession process. A bilateral online platform like this, could avoid translation confusion of the documents and make the process faster.

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What is the meaning behind space and time analysis in social movements and mass-protest.

Ddeeper comprehension of meaning behind the space and time dimensions helps understand the decision-making process behind joining the social movements and mass-protest, making possible to influence the democratization and democracy erosion processes.

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Arytmia, Źli kierowcy, Jerozolima

Jest dobrze, co nie znaczy, że nie może być lepiej. Zrób sobie listę z rzeczami do poprawy.

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